Thursday, August 28, 2008

Preaching from Isaiah

This past Lord's Day - I labored in God's Word from Isaiah Chapter 55:6&7. I preached both the AM and PM services and you can listen to the messages on our address. See the link listed to the upper right of this web page.

For those who prefer listening to the files in their full dynamic range (uncompressed) - you can download them at the bottom of the page.

I spent my time exhorting our congregation to Seek the LORD - While he maybe found. I laid out several truths - pointing to times that God is especially near - thus these times are most beneficial in our pursuit of Jesus Christ our Lord.

I then followed up in my evening message demonstrating from the text - that God has commanded us (the wicked) to forsake our ways and then to return to the LORD. It is important for us to realize that God desires to have compassion upon us - this being demonstrated in his sending Christ Jesus to live a righteous life and die in our place - that our sins might be forgiven as they have been placed upon him (imputed righteousness). That is - the just dying for the unjust.

Many would believe that their sin is too great for God to forgive - yet the prophet Isaiah proclaimed that God would abundantly pardon. He will surely forgive ALL of the sins of those who repent from their sinful ways and trust in the finished work of Christ Jesus.

If you missed the messages - I encourage you to take the time to listen to them and may you be diligent in seeking the LORD.

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