Monday, October 6, 2008

Expositors Conference 2008

Wow! A year has already passed and it is time again for the annual Expositors Conference hosted by Christ Fellowship Baptist Church in Mobile, AL.

Pastor Dale Crawford and I will be attending along with a couple hundred other pastors from around the gulf coast. Pastors and teachers who attend the Expositors Conference are are committed to proclaiming God's word by preaching from the Bible in an expositional style. This style of teaching is as old as the Bible and is faithful to the exhortation given by the Apostle Paul where he writes to Timothy:

2Ti 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:
2Ti 3:17 That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

It is common in our day to bring hip and relevant messages to congregations in hopes to capture their attention. This would be fine if the intent was to teach people how to have a better marriage or how to quite addictive habits - but it is not the means that God has given to convert the lost nor the means given to feed his sheep.

Men may have needs such as the ones previously mentioned but these needs pale in comparison to being taught God's Word and seeing the Glorious Jesus Christ revealed in the scriptures.
May God continue to raise up generations of preachers who will be faithful in preaching and teaching from the Holy, Infalliable, and Divinely Inspired scriptures.

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